Research Papers (Published / Accepted for Publication in Journals)
- Tak, P., Panwar, S., & Gupta, A.
(2024). Mobile Shopping App Adoption: A UTAUT Theory Perspective. International
Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management. (Ahead of Print/Accepted).
[ESCI - Web of Science; UGC – CARE; Impact Factor- 1.0]
- Gupta, A., & Maheshwari, P. (2024).
Mall Shopping Customer Experience in Tier-II Cities: A Generational Cohort
Theory Perspective. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business
Management. (Ahead of Print/Accepted). [ESCI - Web of Science; ABS-1; UGC –
CARE; Impact Factor- 1.0]
- Bathla, A., Chawla, G., & Gupta, A.
(2024). Design Thinking in Education: Reviewing the Past for Setting Future
Research. Journal of Knowledge Economy. (Ahead of Print/Accepted). [ESCI - Web
of Science; UGC – CARE; Impact Factor- 4.0]
- Kumar, J., Dixit,
S., Gupta, A., & Dharwal, M. (2024). Positioning
the Taboo Product: Pee Buddy. FIIB Business Review, 13(5), 517-527. [ABDC-C; SCOPUS; ESCI; UGC CARE;
Impact Factor - 2.6]
- Bhattacharya, S., Sharma, R. P., &
Gupta, A. (2024). Determinants of consumer perceptions of the ethics of online
retailers: An investigation using confirmatory factor analysis. Vision-The
Business Perspective Journal. 28 (4), 436-447,
[ABDC-C; SCOPUS; ESCI; Impact Factor- 2.8]
- Khanna P.,
Sehgal, R., Gupta, A., Dubey, A. M., & Srivastava, R. (2024). Over-the-top (OTT) Platforms: A Review, Synthesis and Research
Directions. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. [ABDC-A; SSCI; SCOPUS; Impact Factor
– 3.60]
- Aggrawal, A.,
Srivastava, S., Gupta, A., & Singh, G. (2024). Food
Wastage and Consumerism in Circular Economy: A Review and Research Directions.
British Food Journal, 126 (6), 2561-2587. [ABDC-B; SCI; SCOPUS; Impact Factor -
- Bathla, A., Chawla, G., & Gupta, A.
(2024). Benchmarking Design Thinking as a tool for Education: A Systematic
Review and Future Research Agenda. Benchmarking- an International Journal. (Ahead of Print). [ABDC-B; ESCI;
SCOPUS; Impact Factor – 5.6]
- Bhattacharya, S., Sharma, R. P., &
Gupta, A. (2024). Consumer perception regarding the ethics of online retailing:
a review, synthesis, and future research directions. International Journal of
Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 15(2), 181–202. [ABDC-C; SCOPUS]
- Garg, J., Singh,
A. K., & Gupta, A. (2023). Human capital in
knowledge-based firms: Re-creating value post-pandemic. Human Systems
Management, 42(6), 593–607. [ABDC-C; ESCI;
SCOPUS; Impact Factor – 2.3]
- Gupta, A., Kumar,
A., & Melese, E. (2023). Young consumer engagement
at the bottom of pyramid: applying S-O-R framework in e-commerce context. Young
Consumers Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers, 24(6), 786–806. [ABDC-B; ESCI; SCOPUS; UGC-CARE; Impact
Factor – 3.0]
- Dwivedi, Y. K., Kshetri, N., Hughes, L.,
Rana, N. P., Baabdullah, A. M., Kar, A. K., Koohang, A., Ribeiro-Navarrete, S.,
Belei, N., Balakrishnan, J., Basu, S., Behl, A., Davies, G. H., Dutot, V.,
Dwivedi, R., Evans, L., Felix, R., Foster-Fletcher, R., Giannakis, M., . . .
Yan, M. (2023). Exploring the Darkverse: A Multi-Perspective Analysis of the
negative societal impacts of the Metaverse. Information Systems Frontiers,
25(5), 2071–2114. [ABDC-A; SSCI;
SCOPUS; Impact Factor – 6.90] [Contribution Section 2.5]
- Kumar, J., Tapar,
A. V., Gupta, A., & Ranjan, J. (2023). Investigating
the Role of Consumer Personality Orientations and Use of Threat in Social Cause
Advertising during Covid 19. Journal of Promotion Management, 29(6), 791–823. [ABDC-B; SSCI; SCOPUS]
- Bhattacharya, S., Sharma, R. P., &
Gupta, A. (2022). Country-of-origin and online retailing ethics: the mediating
role of trust and satisfaction on purchase intention. International Journal of
Emerging Markets. [ABDC-B; SSCI;
SCOPUS; Impact Factor – 2.7]
- Munjal, P., Shanker, R., Gupta, A., &
Maheshwari, P. (2022). Modelling drivers and outcomes of fashion and apparel
social media brand communities’ engagement. International Journal of Management
Practice, 16(1), 59. [SCOPUS; ABS-1;
- Bhattacharya, S., Sharma, R. P., &
Gupta, A. (2022a). Does e-retailer’s country of origin influence consumer
privacy, trust and purchase intention? Journal of Consumer Marketing, 40(2),
248–259. [ABDC-A; SSCI; SCOPUS;
Impact Factor – 2.7]
- Kumar, J., Singh,
A., & Gupta, A. (2022). Robin hood insurance
broking: driving growth with differentiation. Emerald Emerging Markets Case
Studies, 12(1), 1–28. [SCOPUS]
- Chauhan, S.,
Akhtar, A., & Gupta, A. (2022). Customer experience
in digital banking: a review and future research directions. International
Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 14(2), 311–348. [ABDC-B; ESCI; SCOPUS; Impact
Factor – 2.6]
- Gupta, A., Kumar, J., Tewary, T., &
Virk, N. K. (2021). Influence of cartoon characters on generation alpha in
purchase decisions. Young Consumers Insight and Ideas for Responsible
Marketers, 23(2), 282–303. [ABDC-B;
ESCI; SCOPUS; UGC-CARE; Impact Factor – 3.5]
- Roy, S., Kesharwani, A., & Gupta, A.
(2021). Demystifying User’s attachment of Smartphone Apps: A value orientation
perspective. Journal of Internet Commerce, 20(4), 450–478.
[ABDC-B; SSCI; SCOPUS; UGC-CARE; Impact Factor – 4.3]
- Tandon, A.,
Gupta, A., & Katiyar, G. (2021). Motivations of
social entrepreneurs: use of self-determination theory to gain insight into the
Indian scenario. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 28(4),
- Khandelwal, U., Tripathi, V., & Gupta,
A. (2021). A Bibliometric Analysis of Green Branding Research from 2000 to
2019. Vision the Journal of Business Perspective, 28(1), 87–97. [ABDC-C; ESCI; SCOPUS; UGC-CARE;
Impact Factor – 2.8]
- Gupta, A., Kumar,
J., Dixit, S., Khan, M. C. R., & Dharwal, M. (2021). Swiggy refurbishes trust: Managing reputation meltdown through
public relations. Vision the Journal of Business Perspective, 25(3), 373–383. [ABDC-C; ESCI; SCOPUS; UGC-CARE;
Impact Factor – 2.8]
- Chauhan, S., Akhtar, A., & Gupta, A.
(2021). Gamification in banking: a review, synthesis and setting research
agenda. Young Consumers Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers, 22(3),
456–479. [ABDC-B; ESCI; SCOPUS;
UGC-CARE; Impact Factor – 3.5]
- Tewary, T., Gupta, A., Mishra, V., &
Kumar, J. (2021). Young working women’s purchase intention towards organic
cosmetic products. International Journal of Economics and Business Research,
22(2/3), 256. [ABDC-C; SCOPUS;
- Tiwari, P., Tiwari, S. K., & Gupta, A.
(2021). Examining the impact of customers’ awareness, risk and trust in
M-Banking adoption. FIIB Business Review, 10(4), 413–423. [ABDC-C; SCOPUS; ESCI; UGC CARE;
Impact Factor - 2.6]
- Kumar, J., Gupta,
A., & Dixit, S. (2020). Netflix: SVoD entertainment
of next gen. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 10(3), 1–36. [SCOPUS; UGC-CARE]
- Kumar, J., Gupta,
A., Tapar, A. V., & Khan, M. C. R. (2020). EXOS:
does the retention of salesforce matter in entrepreneurial start-ups? Emerald
Emerging Markets Case Studies, 10(3), 1–14. [SCOPUS; UGC-CARE]
- Tandon, A.,
Gupta, A., Goel, P., & Singh, V. K.
(2020). Impact of digitisation on entrepreneurial
ecosystems: an Indian perspective. International Journal of Business and
Globalisation, 25(2), 154. [SCOPUS;
- Gupta, A., Mishra, V., & Tandon, A.
(2020). Assessment of Shopping Mall Customers’ Experience through Criteria of
Attractiveness in Tier-II and Tier-III Cities of India: An Exploratory Study.
American Business Review, 23(1), 70–93.
- Rajpal, P., Gupta, A., & Shanker, R.
(2020). Customer engagement with social media brand communities: An
opinion-based outlook. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and
Management, 10(4), 8–32. [UGC-CARE]
- Algharabat, R., Rana, N. P., Alalwan, A.
A., Baabdullah, A., & Gupta, A. (2019). Investigating the antecedents of
customer brand engagement and consumer-based brand equity in social media.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 53, 101767.
- Rahman, M.,
Rashid, M. C., Kumar, J., & Gupta, A. (2020). Does
consumer demographics effects store loyalty in departmental stores. Academy of
Marketing Studies Journal, 24(4), 1–18. [ABDC-B; SCOPUS; UGC-CARE]
- Kumar, J., Gupta,
A., M., Rashid, M. C., & Shyam, H. S. (2019). Impact
of services quality in e-banking: Evidence from Indian public banks. Academy of
Marketing Studies Journal, 24(1), 1–20. [ABDC-B; SCOPUS; UGC-CARE]
- Singh, R. K., Gupta, A., & Maheshwari,
P. (2019). Hotel visitor’s satisfaction towards service quality: Insights from
Semi-Urban City of Madhya Pradesh in India. Asian Journal of Multidimensional
Research, 8(6), 78. [UGC-CARE]
- Gupta, A. (2018). ICT Adoption: An Agenda
for Research. Kindler, 18(1), 73-88.
- Goswami, P., & Gupta, A. (2018). Small
scale industries and factors affecting their performance: A literature review.
Prestige International Journal of Management & Information Technology,
7(1), 126–150.
- Tandon, A., Gupta, A., & Tripathi, V.
(2016). Managing shopping experience through mall attractiveness dimensions.
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 28(4), 634–649. [ABDC-A; SCOPUS; SSCI; UGC CARE;
Impact Factor- 3.9]
- Tandon, A., Gupta, A., & Tripathi, V.
(2016). The viability of benefit segmentation in Tier-II cities of India -
identifying benefits sought by Indian customers. International Journal of
Business Innovation and Research, 10(4), 501–518.
- Gupta, A., & Dhami, A. (2015).
Measuring the impact of security, trust and privacy in information sharing: A
study on social networking sites. Journal of Direct Data and Digital Marketing
Practice, 17(1), 43–53. [SCOPUS;
- Gupta, A., & Sahu, G. (2015). Exploring
relationship marketing dimensions and their effect on customer loyalty - a
study of Indian mobile telecom market. International Journal of Business
Innovation and Research, 9(4), 375.
- Tripathi, V., Tandon, A., & Gupta, A.
(2015). Experiencing flavourful fun: delighting customers the RB way. Global
Business Review, 16(2), 341–347.
[ABDC-C; ESCI; SCOPUS; UGC CARE; Impact Factor – 2.3]
- Gupta, A., &
Tiwari, S. K. (2015). Understanding impact of e-service
quality on customer satisfaction in e-tailing services. Amity Journal of
Management, 3(2), 33–36. [UGC-CARE]
- Sharma, A., Gupta, A., & Bharti, S. K.
(2014). Factors determining service quality aspects of banking sector in India
(with special reference to Delhi NCR- a pilot study). International Journal of
Trade and Commerce, 3(1), 55–62.
- Tandon, A., Tripathi, V., & Gupta, A.
(2014). The transformation of value and evolution of customer experience: an
exploration of the typologies, facets and significance. International Journal
of Indian Culture and Business Management, 8(4), 425.
[ESCI - Web of Science; UGC – CARE; Impact Factor- 1.0]
- Sharma, A., Bharti, S. K., & Gupta, A.
(2014). Customer behavioural nuances in banking sector: A study of Delhi NCR
region. Tecnia Journal of Management Studies, 8(1), 63–66.
- Gupta, A., & Sahu, G. (2013). Factors
influencing adoption of relationship marketing practices for overall growth of
firm: an ISM-based model validation. International Journal of Electronic
Customer Relationship Management, 7(1), 21-44.
- Tandon, A., & Gupta, A. (2013). The
orchid: Building sustainable advantages through green hospitality. Asia Pacific
Marketing Review, 2(1), 109–116. [UGC-CARE]
- Gupta, A., & Sahu, G. P. (2012). A
literature review and classification of relationship Marketing research.
International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management, 3(1),
- Gupta, A., & Sharma, A. (2012). Mobile
banking: A tool of financial inclusion. EDUCATOR-The FIMT Journal, 2(1), 21–30.
- Gupta, A., Dubey, A. M., Mishra, M., &
Sahu, G. P. (2012). E-Governance in India: Transformation in approach.
Uttaranchal Business Review, 1(1), 133–142. [UGC-CARE]
- Gupta, A. (2012). Rural retail revolution:
The rise of rural market. South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management
Research, 1(3), 34–53.
- Gupta, A. (2011). The impact of negative
emotional advertising appeals on cognitive message processing style of Indian
consumer with specific focus on FMCG product’s appeals - a study based on
survey of housewives of Mathura city, UP. Journal of Commerce and Management
Thought, 2(2), 210–220. [UGC-CARE]
- Gupta, A. (2011). Consumer perception
towards shopping experience with malls in Agra city (UP) India-An exploratory
study. ACME Journal of Management, 9(6), 40–57.
Pedagogical Cases and Teaching Material
- Kumar, J., Dixit, S., Gupta, A., & Dharwal, M. (2024). Positioning the Taboo Product: Pee Buddy (Teaching Case). FIIB Business Review, 13(5), 517-527. [ABDC-C; SCOPUS; ESCI; UGC CARE; Impact Factor - 2.6]
- Kumar, J., Singh, A., & Gupta, A. (2022). Robin hood insurance broking: driving growth with differentiation (Teaching Case). Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 12(1), 1–28. [SCOPUS]
- Gupta, A., Kumar, J., Dixit, S., Khan, M. C. R., & Dharwal, M. (2021). Swiggy refurbishes trust: Managing reputation meltdown through public relations (Teaching Case). Vision the Journal of Business Perspective, 25(3), 373–383. [ABDC-C; ESCI; SCOPUS; UGC-CARE; Impact Factor – 2.8]
- Kumar, J., Gupta, A., & Dixit, S. (2020). Netflix: SVoD entertainment of next gen (Teaching Case). Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 10(3), 1–36. [SCOPUS; UGC-CARE]
- Kumar, J., Gupta, A., Tapar, A. V., & Khan, M. C. R. (2020). EXOS: does the retention of salesforce matter in entrepreneurial start-ups? (Teaching Case). Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 10(3), 1–14. [SCOPUS; UGC-CARE]
Publications - Chapters in Scholarly Books
- Kumar, J., Gupta,
A., Dharwal, M., & Govindrajan, H. U. (2024). Savant
Electronics Sustainability or Corporate Social Responsibility. In Singh, K.,
Yadav, J., & Abraham, R. (Eds.) Technology-Driven Evolution of the
Corporate Social Responsibility Ecosystem (1st ed., p. 209-242). IGI Global
Publishing, USA.
- Kumar, J., Dixit,
S., Maurya, A., & Gupta, A. (2022). Social media
marketing and purchase behavior of millennials: A systematic literature review.
In G. Singh, A., Maurya, & R. Goel (Eds.), Integrating New Technologies in
International Business: Opportunities and Challenges (1st ed., p. TBA). CRC
Press, Routledge, UK.
- Tiwari, S., & Gupta, A. (2021). Does
green consumption matters? An insight from emerging market. In P. Tiwari, S.
Avikal, A. R. Singh, & Ram M. (Eds.), Sustainability in Industry 4.0:
Challenges and Remedies (1st ed., pp. 119–132). CRC Press, Routledge, UK.
- Bharti, S. K., Gupta, A., & Tandon, A.
(2020). Understanding the impact of the service quality on customer
satisfaction and loyalty: Evidence from indian banking industry. In A. Gupta,
B. Yadav, & V. Rokade (Eds.), Changing Paradigms in Financial Services
Marketing (1st ed., pp. 121–136). Manakin Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
- Gupta, A.,
Tandon, A., & Barman, D. (2019). Employee
engagement – evolution, approaches and perspectives. In N. Sharma, N. S.
Chaudhary, & V. K. Singh (Eds.), Management Techniques for Employee
Engagement in Contemporary Organizations (1st ed., pp. 1–19). IGI Global
Publication, USA.
- Tiwari, S., Gupta, A., & Tiwari, P.
(2018). Transforming communication -Consumer’s perception towards 4G services:
A study on reliance Jio users in Agra region. In R. S. Mishra, V. Mishra, &
V. (Eds.), Digital India and Cashless Economy (1st ed., pp. 165–174). Bharti
Publications, India.
- Gupta, A., & Tandon, A. (2018).
Branding for bottom of pyramid: A case of branded footwear consumer in indian
rural setting. In Y. K. Dwivedi, N. P. Rana, E. L. Slade, M. A. Shareef, M.
Clement, A. Simintiras, & B. Lal (Eds.), Emerging Markets from a
Multidisciplinary Perspective - Challenges, Opportunities and Research Agenda
(pp. 255–272). Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland.
- Tandon, A., Gupta, A., & Jain, R.
(2017). Beyond the metropolitan environ: Understanding the dimensions of mall
attractiveness for Indian shoppers in tier II and tier III cities. In Book of
Abstracts 2017 IIM Indore-NASMEI Summer Marketing Conference (1st ed., p. 166).
Emerald Group Publishing (India).
- Dwivedi, Y. K., Rana, N. P., Tajvidi, M.,
Lal, B., Sahu, G. P., & Gupta, A. (2017). Exploring the role of social
media in E-Government: An analysis of emerging literature. In ICEGOV ’17:
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of
Electronic Governance (pp. 97–106). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM),
New York, USA.
- Gupta, A. (2017). Management education in
competitive era: Emerging issues and challenges. In B. Yadav, A. Thakur &
P. Goswami (Eds.), Managing Challenges for Higher Education (pp. 60–67).
Horizon Books (A Division of Ignited Minds Edu Tech Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi).
- Tiwari, S.,
Gupta, A., & Tiwari, P. (2016). Measuring the
effect of service quality on tourist satisfaction with hotel industry in Sagar
city of Madhya Pradesh. In S. S. Bhakar, A. Maheshwari, C. Gulati, & S.
Rajput (Eds.), Mastering Supply Chain Intricacies for Market Leadership (pp.
135–144). Bharti Publication, New Delhi.
- Gupta, A. (2015). Corporate governance:
Success mantra for businesses in 21st century. In S. P. Srivastava, T. Prusty,
& A. Kumar (Eds.), Business Ethics & Corporate Governance in India CSR
& Reporting Practices in India (pp. 35–47). Dominant Publishers &
Distributors Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
- Gupta, A., Jain, M., & Singhai, R.
(2015). Management education: A reflection on current status and growth story
of india. In Engineering, Management and Medical Association of Sagar, Madhya
Pradesh (Ed.), Restructuring Higher and Technical Education (pp. 17–20).
Engineering, Management and Medical Association of Sagar, Madhya Pradesh.
- Kochhar, P., Gupta, A., & Tandon, A.
(2015). Analysing technological environment for effective inventory management:
A study of semi – organized retail outlets in Uttar Pradesh (India). In G.
Goel, T. Nandan, T. Singh, P. Ghosh, & V. Tripathi (Eds.), Advances in
Management and Technology: Mapping Strengths with Opportunities (pp. 275–279).
McGraw Hill Education, India.
- Gupta, A., & Sharma, A. (2014).
Achieving social impact in health and hygiene through social entrepreneurship.
In P. S. Pandian & E. V. Rigin (Eds.), Contemporary Practices in Business
Management (pp. 1–22). VHNSN College (Autonomous) Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu,
- Gupta, A., & Yadav, M. (2011).
Corporate need corporate governance: Cases from indian market. In R.
Srivastava, V. Agarwal, & S. Singh (Eds.), Organization in New Millennium
Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 159–164). McMillan Publisher, New Delhi.
- Gupta, A., Sahu, G. P., & Dwivedi, P.
(2011). Ethics in marketing: Need of the hour for fair market practices. In
Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaz iabad, India (Ed.),
Ethics in Business: In the Era of Cutthroat Competition (pp. 1–9). Krishna
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaziabad, India.
- Gupta, A., & Yadav, M. (2011a).
Children’s role in family purchase decision: A study from Indian market. In V.
R. Danamaraju, P. Gulia, P. Sihag, & M. Bhati (Eds.), Handbook of
Management and Behavioural Science (pp. 261–268). Society of Management and
Behavioural Sciences and Wisdom Publication, New Delhi.
- Gupta, A., & Yadav, M. (2011c).
Paradigm shift of the Indian Market-Growth of retail market in India. In R. S.
Gulia, O. Singh, & S. Awasthi (Eds.), Handbook of Management and
Behavioural Science (pp. 20–28). Society of Management and Behavioural Sciences
and Wisdom Publication, New Delhi.
- Gupta, A., & Singh, R. (2011). Green
Marketing-Today’s mantra for success. In P. Verma (Ed.), Global Impact of
Indian Management (pp. 330–336). Excel Book Publisher, New Delhi.
Books Written / Edited / Adapted
- Gupta, A., & Tewary, T. (Eds.). (2025). Smart Farming for Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Agriculture: Changing Landscapes in the age of Technology. Emerald Publishing, UK. [Forthcoming]
- Chawla, G., & Gupta, A. (Eds.). (2024). Internationalization of Higher Education: Exploring Strategic, Structural and Policy Dimensions in Business Education. Palgrave McMillan, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore [Forthcoming]
- Aggarwal, S., & Gupta, A. (Eds.). (2024). Contemporary Cases in Management: Perspectives from Emerging Markets. Routledge Publishing, Taylor and Francis, UK. p/book /9781032945972 ?srsltid= AfmBOoohy EYVK 6qkhvB 95E5xSNQs4mITzvGjX_PLoLnwCquwK3Nx0gM
- Gupta, S., Gupta, A., & Kumar, J. (Eds.). (2023). Building Resilience in Global Business During Crisis: An Emerging Market Perspective. Routledge Publishing, Taylor and Francis, UK. 63.
- Sharma, R., Shishodia, A., & Gupta, A. (Eds.). (2023). Fostering Sustainable Development in the Age of Technologies. Emerald Publishing, UK.
- Gupta, A., Gupta, S., & Kumar, J. (Eds.). (2023). Managing and strategizing global business during crisis: Resolve, resilience, return, re-imagination and reform. Routledge Publishing, Taylor and Francis, UK.
- Dana, L. P., Gautam, O., Gupta, A., & Sharma, N. (Eds.). (2023). Indian SMEs and startups: Growth through innovation and leadership. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
- Gupta, A., Tewary, T., & Gopalakrishnan, B. N. (Eds.) (2022). Sustainability in the gig economy: perspectives, challenges and opportunities in industry 4.0. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
- Gupta, A., Yadav, B., & Rokade, V. (Eds.)(2020). Changing paradigms in financial services marketing. Manakin Press.
Business Press / Media Features
- Mehra, D., & Gupta, A. (2025, February 22). To be influenced or not to be?
- Gupta, A. (2022, June). Impact of pandemic on international business career potential. Civil Services Chronicle, 21–22.
Research Paper Presentations - International Conferences
- Verma, S., Kashive, N., & Gupta, A.
(2024, September 02–06). Why do Elderly Adults resist mHealth app use? A multi
analytic approach using PLS-SEM, NCA and FsQCA [Paper Presentation]. 2024
British Academy of Management Conference organized by Nottingham Business
School, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK. Conference Theme:
Achieving transformation for greater good: Societal, organisational, and
personal barriers and enablers.
- Mehra, D., & Gupta, A. (2024, July
01-04). Unveiling the Ethical Landscape: A Review and Future Research Agenda in
Influencer Marketing [Paper Presentation]. 2024 Academy of Marketing Conference
organized by Cardiff Business School, Cardiff, UK. Conference Theme: Marketing:
Fusing Resilience and Power for Public Value – Igniting Marketing’s Social
- Gupta, A., & Gupta, A. (2024, May
24-27). What do we know about gamified customer engagement? Insights from
thematic analysis [Paper Presentation]. 2024 American Marketing Association
Global Marketing SIG Conference in association with University of Verona,
Verona, Italy. Conference Theme: Global Marketing Strategies with
Sustainability as Growth Driver.
- Khanna, P., Sehgal, R., Gupta, A., &
Mohan Dubey, A. (2023, December 17-18). Pursuit of leisure: adoption of over
the top (OTT) among young Indian homemakers [Paper Presentation]. International
Conference on Digital Transformations (ICODO) 2023 Organized by Centre for
Digital Transformation at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad,
Gujrat. Conference Theme: Responsible Artificial Intelligence.
- Mehra, D., & Gupta, A. (2023, December
15-16). Adoption of Augmented Reality Marketing: A Literature Review using TCCM
Framework [Paper Presentation]. FORE International Marketing Conference 2023
Organized by FORE School of Management (FSM), New Delhi, India. Conference
Theme: Marketing for Sustainability: Transformation Through Innovation and
- Chawla, G.,
Gupta, A., & Bathla, A. (2023, December 13-15). Internationalization
of Higher Education Institutions: A review of the strategic, structural, policy
dimensions and challenges [Paper Presentation]. 14th Annual International
Research Conference (SIMSARC’23) Organized by Symbiosis Institute of Management
Studies (SIMS), Pune, Maharashtra, India in Association with the University of
Sydney, Australia. Conference Theme: “Securing the Future Through
Sustainability, Health, Education and Technology,”.
- Chandra, S.,
Gupta, A., Kumar, J., & Gupta, A. (2023, December 01). Air India: A Consumer Centric Strategy? [Case Study Presentation].
13th International Conference on Management Cases (ICMC) Conference Organized
by Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), Greater Noida, Uttar
Pradesh in Association with MUMA College of Business, University of South
Florida, USA and University of Eastern Finland, Finland from 30th Nov – 02 Dec
2023., Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Greater Noida, India.
- Gupta, A., Kumar,
J., & Dongre, M. (2023, September 1-2). Reversing
journey from bigger to a niche market: Refu engineering pvt ltd [Case Study
Presentation]. IEM-UEM International Case Conference, 2023 (IUICC-2023),
organized by Department of Management, Institute of Engineering &
Management and University of Engineering & Management Kolkata & Jaipur.
Conference Theme: Redefining Business Practices. [Best Case Study Award]
- Gupta, A., & Gupta, A. (2023, July
20-23). Gamification of customer engagement: A systematic literature review and
future research agenda [Paper Presentation]. 2023 Global Marketing Conference
(GMC), Seoul, Republic of Korea Organized by Global Alliance of Marketing &
Management Associations (GAMMA) in Association with American Marketing
Association, European Marketing Academy, Australian & New Zealand Marketing
Academy, Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution, Korean Scholars of
Marketing Science Conference Theme:
Marketing & Management Transformation in the Challenging Digital
Environment, South Korea.
- Kumar, L., & Gupta, A. (2023, May
19-22). AI-enabled chatbot in services: A review, synthesis and future research
directions [Paper Presentation]. 19th AGBA World Congress Organized in
Association with Academy for Global Business Advancement, USA at Movenpick
Grand Al-Bustan Hotel, Dubai, UAE Conference Theme: Business and Entrepreneurship Development in
a Globalized and Digitalized Era, United Arab Emirates.
- Oza, P., Verma,
S., & Gupta, A. (2023, April 10-14). Financial
inclusion in emerging economies: Mapping the literature using bibliometric
analysis [Paper Presentation]. International Conference on Technology,
Inclusion, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, Vivekanand Education Society’s
Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
- Chouhan, S., Akhter, A., & Gupta, A.
(2023, February 11-12). Examining critical success factors of gamification in
digital banking services: Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach
[Paper Presentation]. AICTE Sponsored 14th International Conference in
Association with Association of International Business & Professional
Management, Indonesia Organized by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior,
Madhya Pradesh, India. Conference Theme: Industry 4.0: Optimizing Operations and
Shaping the Future of Business, India.
- Gupta, A., &
Kumar, J. (2022, May 13-14). The impact advertising and
online consumer reviews on buying behaviour [Paper Presentation]. 4th
International Conference on Operations Management (ICOM 2022) Organized by
ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad, India Conference Theme: Digitalization: a New Age of Business Innovation &
Decision Making, Hyderabad, India.
- Kumar, J., Gupta,
A., & Srivastava, A. K. (2021, April 23–24). Factors
impacting customer loyalty towards online travel and hospitality [Paper
Presentation]. 1st IIM Bodhgaya Management Conference 2021, Conference Theme:
Post COVID Management Strategies: Recovery, Resilience & Adaptation,
organized by Indian Institute of Management, Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India.
- Bhattacharya, S., Sharma, R. P., &
Gupta, A. (2021, March 6). Understanding ‘Consumer perceptions of the ethics of
online retailers’ (CPEOR): A confirmatory factor analysis approach [Paper
Presentation]. International Conference on Advances in Business Analytics
(IC-ABA) in collaboration with Infinite Sum Modelling, USA, organized by
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Kumar, J., Singh,
A., Gupta, A., & Gupta, S. (2020, December 10–11). Robin
hood insurance broking: Driving growth with differentiation [Paper
Presentation]. 4th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy &
Policy, Conference Theme: Building Resilient Business Models, Organised by
Newcastle University Business School, London, UK.
- Mishra, V.,
Gupta, A., Kumar, J., & Shyam, H. S. (2020, December 7–9). Consumer intentions to buy counterfeit products [Paper
Presentation]. 4th International Conference on Marketing, Technology, and
Society, Conference Theme: Marketing, Technology, and Society, Organised by
Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
- Tewari, T.,
Gupta, A., Kumar, J., & Mishra, V. (2020, January 17–18). Purchase intention of organic cosmetics by young working women
[Paper Presentation]. 4th International Conference on Marketing Challenges in
Emerging Markets (MCEM-2020), Conference Theme: Marketing Challenges in
Emerging Markets, organized by, Institute of Management Technology, Hyderabad,
- Chouhan, S.,
Gupta, A., Singh, A., & Chauhan, R. (2020, January 9–11). State of art business Eco-System: A literature review using
classification approach [Paper Presentation]. 13th International Conference on
Marketing, MARCON 2020, Conference Theme: Marketing Ecosystem and Innovations –
India and the Globe, organized by Indus Business Academy, Bangalore, India.
- Chauhan, S.,
Akhtar, A., & Gupta, A. (2020, January 3–6). Customer
experience in digital banking era: Conceptual development, research approaches,
and future directions [Paper Presentation]. 8th AIM–AMA Sheth Foundation
Doctoral Consortium and Conference, Conference Theme: Innovating Customer
Experiences in the Digital Age, Organized by Birla Institute of Management and
Technology (BIMTECH), Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Kumar, A., Gupta,
A., Mishra, V., & Kumar, J. (2019, November 15–16). An exploratory study on shoppers’ motivation in visiting shopping
mall [Paper Presentation]. 8th ICFAI Conference on Marketing & Business
Strategy 2019, Conference Theme: Branding & Strategic Brand Management:
Then, Now and Hereafter, organized by ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad, India.
- Kumar, A., &
Gupta, A. (2019, October 19–20). Sensorial strategies
and Indian ayurveda health [Paper Presentation]. International Conference on
Ayurveda, Conference Theme: Research in Ayurveda, organized by Dr. D. Y. Patil
College of Ayurveda and Research Centre, Pune and International Academy of Ayurveda,
Pune, India.
- Rajpal, P., Gupta, A., Maheshwari, P.,
& Shanker, R. (2019, August 30–31). Drivers of customer Co-Creation in
online brand communities: An Indian perspective [Paper Presentation]. 3rd
Annual Conference of Aston India Centre for Applied Research, Conference Theme:
Managing in the Rapidly Changing Indian Context, organized by Aston India
Centre for Applied Research (AICAR), Aston Business School, Aston University,
Birmingham, B4 7ET, United Kingdom.
- Gupta, A., M.,
Kumar, J., Khan, M. C. R., & Sharma, D. (2019, July 2–4). Understanding the impact of services quality in e-banking: Evidence
from Indian public banks [Paper Presentation]. 16th Annual World Congress,
Conference Theme: Business and Entrepreneurship Development in Globalized and
Digital Era, organized by Academy for Global Business Advancement (AGBA) in
association with Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, Millikin University
Decatur, Illinois, USA, GIFT Society, New Delhi, India.
- Rajpal, P., Gupta, A., & Shanker, R.
(2018, November 30–December 1). Customer engagement with online brand
communities: An opinion-based outlook [Paper Presentation]. International
Conference on Operations Management (ICOM) 2018, Conference Theme: Achieving
Operational Excellence through Academic- Industry Interface, organized by ICFAI
Business School, Hyderabad, India.
- Gupta, A., & Singh, R. K. (2018,
February 23–24). Investigating the effects of service quality on hotel
visitor’s satisfaction: Insights from Semi-Urban city of Madhya Pradesh [Paper
Presentation]. BSSS International Conference 2018, Conference Theme: The Canvas
of International Business: Opportunities and Challenges, organized by Bhopal
School of Social Sciences, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Tandon, A., Gupta, A., & Jain, R.
(2017, July 27–29). Beyond the metropolitan environ: Understanding the
dimensions of mall attractiveness for Indian shoppers in tier II and tier III
cities [Paper Presentation]. 2017 IIM Indore-NASMEI Summer Marketing
Conference, Conference Theme: Creating Customer Value, jointly organized by
Indian Institute of Management Indore and North American Society of Marketing
Education, India, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Dwivedi, Y., Rana, N., Tajvidi, M., Lal,
B., Sahu, G. P., & Gupta, A. (2017, March 7–9). Exploring the role of
social media in E-Government: An analysis of emerging literature [Paper
Presentation]. 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of
Electronic Governance, Conference Theme: Building Knowledge Societies: from
Digital Government to Digital Empowerment, jointly organized by International
Congress of E-government (ICEG) and United Nations University Operating Unit on
Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV), Portugal, New Delhi, India.
- Gupta, A. (2014, July 5–6). Establishing
linkages between relationship marketing dimensions and firm performance: An ISM
based model validation [Paper Presentation]. International Conference on
Innovative Technologies Driven by Multidisciplinary Research, jointly organized
by Jabalpur Management Association and Global Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A., &
Gupta, S. (2014, January 10–11). The effect of
security, trust, and privacy concerns in information sharing: An exploratory
study on Facebook [Paper Presentation]. International Conference on social
media for Business, organized by Indian Institute of Management, Raipur,
Chhattisgarh, India.
- Sharma, A., Gupta, A., & Duggal, B.
(2013, February 2–3). Social entrepreneurship: An innovative way to empower
untouchable and women (a case of Sulabh Sauchalaya in India) [Paper
Presentation]. International Conference on Innovative Ways of Managing Business
in the Post Globalised Era organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of
Management & Research, New Delhi, India.
- Tandon, A., Gupta, A., & Chandel, A.
(2012, November 2). The orchid: Building sustainable advantages through green
hospitality [Paper Presentation]. Amity Conference on Management Cases,
organized by Amity Business School, Amity University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh,
- Gupta, A. (2012, January 1–4). Management
education in a changing world: Emerging issues & challenges [Paper
Presentation]. AIMS - International Conference on Management organized by
AIMS-International in association with FLAME University, Pune, Maharashtra,
- Gupta, A., Sharma, A., & Gaur, A.
(2011, October 14–16). E-Banking practices and youth in India [Paper
Presentation]. Jaipuria Annual Management Conference Organized by Jaipuria
Institute of Management, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A., & Yadav, M. (2011, November
14–15). Corporate need corporate governance: Cases from Indian market [Paper
Presentation]. International Conference on Organization in New Millennium
Challenges and Opportunities organized by Ajay Kumar Garg Institute of
Management, Ghaziabad, India.
- Gupta, A., & Yadav, M. (2011, July 24).
Children’s role in family purchase decision: A study from Indian market [Paper
Presentation]. International Conference on Management and Computing Science
organized by Society of Management and Behavioural Sciences, Jodhpur,
Rajasthan, India.
- Gupta, A., & Singh, R. (2011, June
28–30). Changing face of Indian education: A study from Indian education
service sector [Paper Presentation]. Tenth International Conference on
Operations and Quantitative Management organized by AIMS-International in
association with Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik, India.
- Gupta, A., & Yadav, M. (2011, June
4–5). Paradigm shift of the Indian Market-Growth of retail market in India
[Paper Presentation]. International Conference on Management and Computing
Science organized by Society of Management and Behavioural Sciences, Jodhpur,
Rajasthan, India.
- Gupta, A., &
Singh, R. (2011, April 26–28). Green Marketing-Today’s
mantra for success [Paper Presentation]. International Conference on Global
Impact of Indian Management organized by Oxford College of Engineering,
Bangalore, India.
- Gupta, A., & Yadav, M. (2011, March
3–4). Impact of corporate image on customer happiness & loyalty [Paper
Presentation]. International Conference on Happiness and Well Being: Role of
Management Education organized by Hindustan Institute of Management &
Computer Studies, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Research Paper Presentations - National Conferences
- Kumar, J., Gupta, A., & Gupta, M. (2024, March 19). Savant Electronics: Achieving Corporate Sustainability through Corporate Social Responsibility (Case Study) [Paper Presentation]. National Case Study Conference (NCSC) 2024 organized by Department of Management Studies, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panipat, Haryana.
- Gupta, A. (2022, April 22–23). Indian luxury goods consumption during post pandemic time [Paper Presentation]. 17th National Conference of Uttar Pradesh – Uttarakhand Economic Association hosted by Sharda Business School, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India Conference Theme: India @75: An Assessment of Development Challenges in the light of Covid-19, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Singh, R. K., & Gupta, A. (2018, February 24–25). Role of agriculture in Indian economy development: A retrospection [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Agriculture Growth in India: Opportunities and Challenges, organized by XVII Annual Conference of Madhya Pradesh Economic Association (MPEA), Department of Economics, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sponsored by UGC and ICSSR, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Singh, R. K., & Gupta, A. (2018a, February 23–24). Strategies for managing global health issues: A retrospection into India health eco-system [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Recent Advancement in Developing India, organized by Engineering, Management & Medical Association of Sagar in Association with SAM college of Engineering, Raisen Road, Bhopal, India.
- Tiwari, S., Gupta, A., & Tiwari, P. (2018, February 3). Transforming communication-consumer’s perception towards 4G services: A study on reliance Jio users in Agra region [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Efficient Implementation of Digital and Cashless Transactions, organized by Deen Dayal Upadhyay Kaushal Kendra, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A. (2017, March 27–28). Demonetization and cashless economy transactions: Lessons from mobile wallet firms in India [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Demonetization and Uprooting Parallel Economy, organized by Department of Commerce, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A. (2017, March 19–20). Identifying critical successful factors for empowering youth as a change agent in society [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Youth Empowerment through Skill and Education for Nation Development, organized by Engineering Management & Medical Association of India, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh at Infinity Management and Engineering College, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A., & Kumar, A. (2017, February 25–26). Current scenario and future potential of Start-Ups: A growing part of Indian Eco-System [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Emerging Paradigms for Managing Start-Ups, organized by Department of Business Management, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A. (2016, May 7). BRICS nations: Emergence and transformation of world economies [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Role of Emerging Economic Association in International Relations & Financial Management: Contemporary Issues & Challenges, organized by Faculty of Management, Commerce and Economics, Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, and Sponsored by Indian Accounting Association, Sagar Chapter, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A., Jain, M., & Singhai, R. (2015, December 18–19). Management education: A reflection on current status and growth story of India [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Restructuring Higher Education and Technical Education, organized by Engineering Management & Medical Association of India, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh at Govt. Autonomous Girls PG College of Excellence, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh.
- Gupta, A., & Tiwari, S. K. (2015, March 21–22). Measuring effect of E-Service quality on customer satisfaction in E-Tailing services- a study in Mathura region of Uttar Pradesh (India) [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on E-Buzz: The X-Factor, organized by Department of Business Management GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Yadav, B., & Gupta, A. (2014, December 13). Emerging new trends in life insurance industry in India [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Emerging Trends in area of Management and Accounting, organized by Babulal Tarabai Institute of Research and Technology, Sagar, MP (India) in association with Indian Accounting Association, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A., & Sharma, A. (2013, February 15–16). Vocational education for inclusive growth of our nation [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Education for the Nation Development, organized by Tecnia Institute of Advance Studies, New Delhi, India.
- Gupta, A. (2012, October 20). Rural retailing: A growth story of Indian market [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Heuristic Approach of Marketing in Developing Economy, organized by Tecnia Institute of Advance Studies, New Delhi, India.
- Gupta, A., & Sharma, A. (2012, April 21). Social media: Issues and challenges [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Internet Computing & Communications: Contemporary Issues, Enhancement, Future Aspects, organized by Tecnia Institute of Advance Studies, New Delhi, India.
- Gupta, A., & Chandra, R. (2012, April 18). Social and legal implications of tobacco products: An Indian perspective [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Change Management and Transformation, organized by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A., & Chandra, R. (2012, April 14–15). Factors influencing the acceptance level of life insurance consumption [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Innovative Management Practices in Banking and Insurance Sector- A Global Perspective, organized by Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A. (2012, April 13). Adoption of e-banking practices: A study in Indian banking sector [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Business Restructuring: Creating Values in Global Era, organized by United Institute of Management, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A. (2012, March 31). Social entrepreneurship in India: An emerging scenario in India (a case study of PRADAN & NIDAN) [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Dynamics of Social Entrepreneurship, organized by Tecnia Institute of Management, New Delhi, India.
- Gupta, A., & Sahu, G. P. (2012, March 17). Factors influencing usage of relationship marketing practices for overall growth of the firm: A study in Indian service sector [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on 3rd National Research Paper Presentation Competition, organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Management & Research, New Delhi, India.
- Gupta, A., & Gaur, A. (2012, January 21–22). Green management practices as competitive strategy: Innovations, globalization and social entrepreneurship [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Green Management Practices as Competitive Strategy: Innovations, Globalization and Policies, organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Management & Research, New Delhi, India.
- Gupta, A., & Tandon, A. (2011, September 27). Co-creating experiential value: A case of Indian retail scenario [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Marketing: The Evolving Trend organized by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A., Dwivedi, P., & Sahu, G. P. (2011, September 17). Ethics in marketing: Need of the hour for fair market practices [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Ethics in Business: Mantra of Cut-Throat Competition, organized by Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Gupta, A., & Yadav, M. (2011, March 26). Viral marketing – a modern marketing approach in 21st century [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Intellectual Property Rights, organized by Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University School of Management Studies, New Delhi, India.
- Gupta, A., & Srivastava, S. (2011, February 20). Corporate governance – success mantra in 21st century businesses [Paper Presentation]. National Conference on Management of Innovation in Business & Technology: New Strides, organized by School of Management Sciences, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.