
Magazine and Editorial Board at IIFT, Kolkata


InFINeeti is the quarterly Finance magazine of IIFT with a circulation spanning across all elite B-schools of India. The magazine serves as a platform for readers to discuss and analyse contemporary issues and events in the world of Business and Finance. We act as a medium through which students at IIFT can connect with student communities from institutes across India and the corporate world to facilitate knowledge sharing and learning. Through Financial Focus, our fortnightly newsletter, InFINeeti provides its readers a glimpse of the latest happenings in the world of Business and Finance. The newsletter also includes sections on Economics, Market Watch, Term of the week and ‘Management rules by Warren Buffet’ to ensure the right mix of dynamic and static knowledge for our readers. InFINeeti in collaboration with ‘Capital’ organises Budget Plus -- IIFT’s annual budget analysis event. Budget Plus provides a platform for some of the brightest minds in the country to discuss and provide their views on all aspects of the budget. A mix of noted Economists and industry experts grace us with their presence each year. InFINeeti also organises annual Equity Trading competitions where finance enthusiasts from all over the country participate to prove their mettle. We conduct debates and discussions regularly on our Facebook page which find a lot of participation from all interested in Finance. Through InFINeeti, it is our endeavour to be a one-stop shop for all the Economics, Finance and Business related needs of our readers.

Contact Us:
Facebook: InFINeeti
Issuu: InFINeeti


  Name Phone Number Email ID
Abhinav Pant 9789930425
Shikha Jha 8130217218
Vinit Vikash 7903121318