
Magazine and Editorial Board at IIFT, Kolkata

Magazines at IIFT Kolkata

                Feb 2018

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is responsible for the maintenance and content development of the official blog of IIFT and is an interface between the College and the outside world. The blog serves to provide glances and insights into what life at IIFT really is - the events, happenings, guest lectures, competitions, achievements of the students etc. It provides a platform for all the creative souls out there seeking a medium for literary expression. It is a platform to roar to the world aloud- "Life at IIFT rocks big time!!" Seeking to dispel notions that MBA is only about academics, it offers a sneak peek into all the fun and frolic that goes on beyond the mighty walls.
A portal for disseminating information with the alumni, current, prospective students and the world as a whole, it offers an integrated outlet for allowing people to stay updated with the student activities at IIFT. It also provides a window for those outside to catch a glimpse of the vibrancy and dynamism that is the essence of life at IIFT. The articles on the blog are contributed by students, alumni and members of the faculty. Apart from blogs and updates on IIFT, it also aggregates stories in the public media about IIFT.

Vision and Mission

  • To garner maximum visibility for all the competitions, seminars and conclaves organized by IIFT on the digital media.
  • To ensure that being the interface between the college and outside world, we are able to present IIFT in all its glory.
  • To do our level best to augment the brand equity of IIFT Kolkata and IIFT as a whole.
  • Presenting the various facets of our beloved institution in the best possible way.


  • Coordinating with media houses and PR agencies for the flagship events at IIFT- National IT Conclave, International Business and Trade Symposium and National Agenda for Entrepreneurship.
  • Chronicling the latest happenings and the events at IIFT and providing snippets for all interested people.
  • Preparation of the press releases for the leading publications-both print as well as digital.
  • Capturing the essence of life at IIFT and offering a glimpse into what a day at IIFT is really like!
  • Showcasing the myriad achievements of the students of IIFT in the various competitions across the length and breadth of the country.

Name Designation Contact No. Email
Ritu Mendiratta Coordinator 7836874068
Nitesh Singh Coordinator 8318997254
VanikaMangla Coordinator 9643796715
Rohit Bhushan Kumar Coordinator 8596087004